Tuesday, January 20, 2009


The barrier to a perfect golf swing could lie in your big toe. Or your heel. Or on the ball of your foot. Dr. Alan Shih, Director of Podiatry Services at Head to Toe Healthcare, PLC says these are the three areas of your feet most likely to cause pain that can ruin your golf swing.

Behind these pain-prone spots can lie stiff joints, stretched-out tissues and even nerve damage. But pain relief is possible and frequently does not require surgery.

According to Dr. Shih, the three most common painful foot conditions that can ruin your golf swing are heel pain, arthritis and pinched nerves.

  • Arthritis can cause pain in the joint of your big toe that makes it difficult to follow-through on your golf swing.
  • Heel pain typically results from an inflammation of the band of tissue that extends from your heel to the ball of your foot. People with this condition compare the pain to someone jabbing a knife in their heel. Heel pain can make it uncomfortable for golfers to maintain a solid stance during crucial portions of their golf swing.
  • Neuromas, are nerves that become thickened, enlarged and painful because they’ve been compressed or irritated. A neuroma in the ball of your foot can cause significant pain as your body transfers its weight from one foot to the other in a golf swing.

Several other painful conditions can also cause instability during your swing. With the treatment options available to your foot and ankle surgeon, a pain-free golf swing is clearly in view.  When your feet aren’t in top condition, your golf swing won’t be either.



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